Friday, December 5, 2008


GEOLOGY~Sedimentary Rock

1. Well I like this rocks because they form from the weather. I think thats interesting because i didnt think that rocks could form from the causes of weather.

METEOROLOGY~Cloud Formation

2. Stable air tends to remain in its original position, while unstable air tends to rise.

OCEANOGRAPHY ~Ocean Floor Features

3. The ocean floor regions are the continental margins, the ocean basin floor, and the mid-ocean ridges


4. We divide the sun into four parts: the solar interior; the visible surface, or photosphere; and two atmospheric layers, the chromosphere and corona.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The main sequence of a HR Diagram is where most of the stars are at on the HR Diagram.

90% of the stars are located in the main sequence.

Yes the Sun is apart of the main sequence.

The Sun is going to become an Red Gaint. This will happen in 5 billion years from now.

This diagram shows how bright and hot a star is.
The right side is showing the cooler stars, the left shows the hotter stars, and in the middle its the warm air.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008


Found in 1610 by Galileo and the scientist were puzzled. During the first telescopic observation of the night the puzzles only increased. In the 1980-1981 a few Voyagers imaged the ring system extensively. The rings have been given letter names in the order of their discovery. The main rings are, working outward from the planet, known as C, B, and A.heir discovery.


A hypothetical tunnel connecting two different points in spacetime in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time than a journey between the same starting and ending points in normal space. Going through a wormhole could be like goin to one place and ending up into another. Sick huh? The long centered part is called the throat, and in the throat there is negative energy.


Black holes are the evolutionary endpoints of stars at least 10 to 15 times as massive as the Sun. If any body got close to it your going to get sucked in there. Its a small dead star that is weights more than the sun but is smaller. It usually has a real shiney light and you dont want to go to the light.


The Moon is very interesting because I have heard some many different things about the Moon. For example some people say that the Moon is made from cheese. Now dont get me wrong im not stupied. I do know that the Moon isnt made from cheese but i would like to know how people came up with that thought.

The Kuiper Belt is a very interesting topic. For one it looks very different and cute. The Kuiper Belt was named after Grared Kuiper and was founded in the 1950's.

Friday, November 7, 2008

1. List three low clouds, three middle clouds, three high clouds, and one cloud with vertical development.

The three members in the family of the low clouds are Stratus, Stratocumulus, and Mimbostratus. The three middle clouds are the Altocumulus clouds, Cirrocumulus clouds, and the altostratus clouds. Three cloud types make up the family of high clouds are Cirrus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrocumulus. And one vertical cloud development is Cumulonimbus.

2. Which clouds look the best to you? I like the Cirrus clouds.

3. What kind of weather does that type of cloud bring? They bring sun shine and a good day to be out side.

4. Include a picture of that cloud type.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

warm front

cold front

occluded front

and stationary front.

the warm front is my favorite kind of weather.

in warm fronts i enjoy going swimming, playing out side, and sleeping.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The greenhouse effect is the heating of earth surface.

Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon are the 3 gases.

They are produced naturally.

The green house effects us because it will heat up the Earth.

It is a healthier way the heat up the Earth.